AK Webz offers a wide variety of services. Click on the titles below to get quick descriptions of the services that we provide.
Online Brochure Websites
This is what most people want. An online brochure is used by people who want to use a website to describe their business, hobby, family, etc. You can post pictures as well as text in order to describe any subject. It provides you with a presence on the world wide web, and is primarily used to provide information to your audience.
Pricing for Online Brochure Websites (including a year of free web hosting and domain name registration) typically ranges from $500 - $1500.
A 50% deposit is required on all major projects.
E-Commerce Websites
An e-commerce website is used primarily by businesses who have products or services for sale. An e-commerce website provides all of the features of an online brochure website, but there is also a commerce component which is used for taking orders and collecting money from customers.
Pricing for Online Brochure Websites (including a year of free web hosting and domain name registration) typically ranges from $750 - $2500.
A 50% deposit is required on all major projects.